First of all, my number is …. LOL
Second, I think this is wonderful. Not because of how you connected it to Marxist thought (pretty privilege is a hilariously banal idea). Rather, I love the juxtaposition of “a couple of inches” and what you see as your life trajectory.
Isn’t everyone’s life determined by “a couple of inches?” It’s not necessary those on my penis that made mine, but perhaps a sentence or two? Being in the right place at the right time? Swiping right instead of left on the right guy?
Each one of us is given 2 gifts in this lifetime. Our base material and our ability to choose what we do with it.
It sounds to me like you’ve been ambivalent about your gift and so have milked it (pardon the pun) only partially. I think you should lean in and really embrace it.
As to the question of whether or not you can lead with it in dating? I think this post answered that question, no?