Loved this, but the "open air prison" trope has to die, and I expected you to do better here.
What precisely do you mean by that? Gaza has been "self-governed" for over 15 years, and billions have flowed to the territory.
Israel has blocked them from accessing Israel, which is its right territorially. Egypt makes its own rules. The Gazans have lost sea access by trying to import banned weapons. They rely on Israel for resources ONLY because they haven't figured out a way to spend their money on things like NOT tunnels and NOT rockets.
One of my favorite things about Gaza is when reports cover its "refugee camps". Why are there refugee camps in Gaza? Who precisely administers these camps, who lives in them and who runs the territory they are in? What does this even mean?
What's really obvious here is that this group of people cannot self-govern, and they squandered their opportunity.
The Gaza situation is wildly different than the one in the West Bank. Conflating them doesn't serve.